F287. Submitting Translations: The Literary Magazine as the Back Door to Fame and Fortune

Room 611, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Friday, February 28, 2014
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


Historically, literary translators are the wallflowers of publishing; they engage in labors of love within academia and set their sights on the limited prospects of book publication. Meanwhile, literary magazines, the champions of high art and no commerce, are eager to publish translations but don’t know how to solicit, edit, and market translations. This panel will dismantle perceived obstacles of publishing literary translations through a practical discussion of submission and editing strategies.



Minna Proctor is the editor of The Literary Review and teaches essay writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is the author of Do You Hear What I Hear, a long essay about religious calling. She translates from Italian and writes frequently about literature and photography.

Carolyn Kuebler is the editor of New England Review. Previously, she was an editor at Library Journal and founding editor of Rain Taxi. She has published her writing in various magazines and has an essay forthcoming in The Little Magazine: A Contemporary Guide.

Thomas E. Kennedy’s thirty books include the four novels of his Copenhagen Quartet: Kerrigan in Copenhagen, Falling Sideways, In the Company of Angels, the fourth to follow. His stories, essays, and translations appear regularly in literary periodicals. He teaches in the Fairleigh Dickinson MFA program.

Joshua Daniel Edwin's poetry appears widely, and his translations have been recognized with awards by PEN and ALTA. He is a member of the editorial board for the magazine Circumference: Poetry in Translation.

Erica Mena is a poet, translator and book artist. Her translations include The Eternonaut by H.G. Oesterheld and Solano Lopez. Her work has appeared in the Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, PEN America, Vanitas, and Words Without Borders. She is founding editor of Anomalous Press.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

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