F151. MFA to 2YC: Creative Writers Navigating Community College Teaching Careers

B114, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Friday, March 29, 2019
10:30 am to 11:45 am


Community colleges represent a large proportion of college teaching jobs, and working at a community college is a source of income for many creative writers. With a diverse range of perspectives from both part-time and full-time faculty, including several from Portland Community College, this panel will offer practical advice for job-seekers and their mentors about this particular field of instructional labor, reflecting upon the rewards, pitfalls, and relative sustainability of the work.



Blake M. Hausman is the author of the novel, Riding the Trail of Tears, a futuristic revisitation of the Cherokee Removal. He is a faculty member in English at Portland Community College, and his writing has appeared in Studies in American Indian Literatures and American Indian Quarterly.

Rebecca Aronson is the author of Ghost Child of the Atalanta Bloom, and Creature, Creature. She was a recipient of a Prairie Schooner Strousse Award and a Loft Speakeasy Award. She teaches writing, coordinates a visiting writers series, and is cofounder of Bad Mouth, a series of words and music.

Jessica Johnson’s In Absolutes We Seek Each Other was an Oregon Book Award finalist. She teaches creative nonfiction, poetry, and environmental literature at Portland Community College.

Ramiza Shamoun Koya writes fiction and nonfiction, and is the Director of Youth Programs at Literary Arts in Portland, Oregon. Her work has appeared in publications such as Mutha Magazine, Washington Square Review, and Lumina, and she has been a fellow at MacDowell Colony and Blue Mountain Center.

Christopher Rose has received fellowships from Cave Canem and VONA. He serves as department chair for the English department at the Cascade campus of Portland Community College.


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