R278. Building the Table: Carving Out PoC Creative Spaces

F151, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Thursday, March 28, 2019
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Black and brown communities have been traditionally underrepresented in academia and publishing. The proverbial seat at the table has been denied to PoC time and time again. Sometimes you need to build your own table. The founders of Pink Door Writing Retreat for Women and GNC Writers of Color, The Watering Hole, and BlackNerdProblems discuss their specific reasons for creating and maintaining PoC-only spaces, the rewards and challenges, and strategies to grow, fund, and tend to them.



Nicole Homer, author of Pecking Order, is Editor and regular contributor at BlackNerdProblems, serves as faculty at the Pink Door Writing Retreat for Women and GNC Writers of Color, and is a fellow of The Watering Hole and Callaloo. She teaches at Mercer County Community College. @realnicolehomer

Candace Wiley is cofounder/director of The Watering Hole, a Fine Arts Work Center Fellow, Callaloo Fellow, and former Fulbright Fellow who teaches at Clemson University. Her afrofuturist work has appeared in Best American Poetry 2015, Prairie Schooner, pluck!, Jasper, Yemassee, and Illuminations, among other publications.

Monifa Lemons recognized as SelahthePoet, is Cofounder/Director of The Watering Hole Poetry Organization, which provides continuing education to southern poets of color. Monifa is a staple in the Spoken Word poetry community in the southeast region since 1998. 

Rachel McKibbens is the author of three full-length books of poetry: blud, Into the Dark & Emptying Field, and Pink Elephant, as well as the chapbook Mammoth. She is a two-time New York Foundation for the Arts poetry fellow and founder of the Pink Door Writing Retreat.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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