R240. Revelation or Resistance? Form and Narrative at the End of the World

F150, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Thursday, March 28, 2019
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


Cyberwar, superviruses, climate change, AI uprising, nuclear armageddon: the future grows ever more uncertain, the end ever nearer. We write today under the shadow of an impending, inchoate, dystopian doom. Three innovative, genre-bending novelists ponder the aesthetics of disaster, the ethics of witnessing, and the question of what narrative and form mean at the end of the world. Is writing fiction escapist fantasy, an act of prophecy, or a kind of interruption? Revelation, or resistance?



Roy Scranton is the author of Learning to Die in the Anthropocene, the novel War Porn, and the essay collection We're Doomed. Now What? He teaches at the University of Notre Dame.

Hilary Plum's books include Strawberry Fields, winner of the Fence Modern Prize in Prose, and Watchfires, winner of the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award for Creative Nonfiction. She teaches at Cleveland State University and in the NEOMFA program, and she is associate director of the CSU Poetry Center.

Mark Doten is the author of two novels, Trump Sky Alpha and The Infernal. He was named in 2017 to Granta’s once-a-decade list “Best of Young American Novelists." He is the literary fiction editor at Soho Press, teaches in Columbia's MFA program, and lives in New Jersey.

Eugene Lim is the author of the novels Fog & Car, The Strangers, and Dear Cyborgs. His writings have appeared in Fence, Little Star, The Denver Quarterly, The Brooklyn Rail, Jacket2, Your Impossible Voice, and elsewhere. He runs Ellipsis Press and works as a librarian at a high school.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center