F169. The Frontier as a Trope in Florida Writing Past and Present

Grand Salon A, Marriott Waterside, Second Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm


The frontier as a literary trope is widely used by such Florida authors as Hurston, Rawlings, Hemingway, Joy Williams, and Peter Mattheissen. This panel will review the literary history of an early and persistent frontier in Florida which is often seen as ahistorical. It is useful for contemporary writers, both in Florida and elsewhere, to be aware of the possibilities of the expression of this trope as they experiment in their fiction writing.



Gregory Byrd is the author of a book of poetry, Salt and Iron, an essay on Florida poetry, "Aesthetics at the Southernmost Point: Towards a Definition of Florida Poetry," and he was a Fulbright Fellow to Albania in 2011. He teaches English and humanities at St. Petersburg College.

Deborah Hall teaches at Valdosta State University and edited The Anatomy of Narrative, an anthology that analyzes craft. Her work has appeared in River Teeth, TLR, The Sun, Apalachee Review, and in Becoming: An Anthology of Women’s Stories and Stone, River, Sky: An Anthology of Georgia Poets.

Polly Buckingham is the author of The Expense of a View and A Year of Silence. She teaches creative writing at Eastern Washington University and she is founding editor of StringTown Press and associate editor of Willow Springs Books. Her work appears in The Gettysburg Review and Threepenny Review.

Michael Trammell edits the Apalachee Review. He teaches professional and business writing at Florida State University. Also, he has taught literature and fiction courses for FSU's OLLI program. He was a participating poet in The Florida Poets Project in 2012.


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