S165. (CANCELLED) Tending the Flourishing: What Sustains Undergraduate Creative Writing Programs

Room 23, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Saturday, March 10, 2018
10:30 am to 11:45 am


Event cancelled per organizer's request. CC 3.9.18



Emily Rosko's two poetry collections are Prop Rockery, awarded the 2011 University of Akron Poetry Prize and Raw Goods Inventory, winner of the 2005 Iowa Poetry Prize. She is associate professor of English at the College of Charleston and poetry editor for Crazyhorse.

John Estes directs the undergraduate creative writing program at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He is author of two volumes of poetry— Kingdom Come and Sure Extinction, which won the 2015 Antivenom Prize from Elixir Press—as well as two chapbooks.

Rachel Jamison Webster is the author of September: Poems and the cross-genre book, The Endless Unbegun. For years, she created after school writing programs for city youth. Now she directs the creative writing program at Northwestern University.

Gary Fincke founded Susquehanna University’s Writers Institute and directed it for twenty-one years. He won the Flannery O’Connor, Bess Hokin, George Garrett, and two Pushcart Prizes. His thirty books include Bringing Back the Bones: Selected Poems, A Room of Rain (stories), and The Canals of Mars (memoir).


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center