F295. Pitching, Publishing, and Promoting Reviews: A How-To Conversation

Room 20 & 21, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


Although writers are inundated with advice on how to submit their creative work, they often struggle with how to pitch, write, and publish book reviews. This panel of successful reviewers and editors will demystify the reviewing process, offering advice and strategies for pitching reviews, writing reviews in a range of formats (essay, single, PW-style), and working with journals to connect with publications, presses, and writers to expand potential contact networks.



Alyse Bensel is the author of the chapbooks Not of Their Own Making and Shift. She serves as the book reviews editor at The Los Angeles Review and is a doctoral candidate in literary studies and creative writing at the University of Kansas, where she is a 2017–18 Sias Fellow in the Humanities.

Kristina Marie Darling edits Noctuary Press, a publishing project that focuses on writing by women that exists across, beyond, and in spite of genre boundaries. She is also a book publicist and grants specialist for Black Ocean and associate editor for Tupelo Quarterly.

Dan Beachy-Quick is the author of six books of poems, most recently Gentlessness, and three collection of prose, including literary reveries on Melville and Keats. His work has been supported by the Lannan and Guggenheim foundations, and he teaches in the MFA program at Colorado State University.

Jennifer Schomburg Kanke is a visiting faculty member at Florida State University teaching critical theory and creative writing. Her work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Fugue, Nimrod, and The Laurel Review. A reviews editor for Pleiades, she is a reader for Emrys.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center