R256. The Poem's Country: Place and Poetic Practice

Room 17, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Thursday, March 8, 2018
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


For all of its virtual connection America is as divided as ever. Negotiating this contradiction as it manifests on our home-screens and in our hometowns has become an essential subject for 21st century writers. Sharing essays from the newly published anthology, "The Poem's Country," a diverse group of American poets discusses how and why they write about the Middle East, displaced Native communities of Alaska, cosmopoetics, gay rural America, and even invented landscapes of their own making.



Shara Lessley, author of Two-Headed Nightingale and The Explosive Expert's Wife, has been awarded NEA, Wallace Stegner, Diane Middlebrook, Olive B. O'Connor, Mary Wood, and Reginald S. Tickner fellowships. She is coeditor of the essay anthology, A Poem's Country.

Philip Metres is the author of a number of books and chapbooks, including Sand Opera, Pictures at an Exhibition, A Concordance of Leaves, and To See the Earth. His work has appeared in Best American Poetry, has garnered a Lannan Fellowship, two NEAs, the Hunt Prize, and the Cleveland Arts Prize.

Bruce Snider is the author of two poetry collections, Paradise, Indiana and The Year We Studies Women. Coeditor of The Poem's Country: Place and Poetic Practice. He is an assistant professor at the University of San Francisco.

Joan Naviyuk Kane is the author of The Cormorant Hunter’s Wife, Hyperboreal, The Stratis, and Milk Black Carbon, for which she has received a Whiting Writer’s Award, the Donald Hall Prize, and the American Book Award. She teaches in the low-res MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts.

Sandra Lim is the author of two collections of poetry, Loveliest Grotesque and The Wilderness. She was awarded the Barnard Women Poets Prize and the Levis Reading Prize for The Wilderness. She is an associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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